Marcin Stachowski

Marcin Stachowski is an experienced writer specialising in new technologies and fintech, with a keen focus on the intersection of innovation and financial services. He holds a degree in Computer Science from the prestigious University of Providence, where he developed a strong foundation in technology and its applications in contemporary society. Marcin has amassed significant industry experience, having worked as a technology analyst at Momentum Solutions, where he contributed to several pioneering projects in financial technology. His insightful articles have been published in various reputable platforms, showcasing his ability to demystify complex concepts and trends. Marcin is committed to educating his readers about the transformative potential of technology and is an advocate for responsible innovation in the fintech sector.

Несподіване зростання міського бджільництва: як міста перетворюються на жужжачі заповідники

Міське бджільництво перетворює такі міста, як Нью-Йорк, Париж та Лондон, на святилища для бджіл, сприяючи біорізноманіттю та покращуючи зелені простори. Бджоли відіграють важливу роль у запиленні міської флори, підтримують місцеве…